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Black Star Line

An African Centered Family Educational Collective

“Over these disastrous millennia there have been Africans concerned to work out solutions to our problems and to act on them.”

     — Ayi Kwei Armah — Osiris Rising

Black Star Line

African-Centered Family
Educational Collective 

Black Star Line is an African Centered Family Educational Collective established to provide teaching and learning opportunities for adults and children.

We began in early 2006 as a group of families of African descent who possessed the desire to homeschool our children. We expanded our collective to include families and communities of African descent who use public, private, and alternative schools as well.

We seek to bridge tradition with contemporary advancements to develop global citizens
through relevant and transformational education.


Our vision is all children of African descent will be self-actualized creators and participants in shaping the world to benefit humanity.

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Our mission is to create and support institutions, community programming, and activities that value and support African-centered and character-based teaching that leads to our vision.


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